In the State of Wisconsin students under the age of 18 must have accumulated at least 50 hours of driving, of which 10 hours must be at night, with a parent or adult sponsor prior to the student’s Road Test. Regardless of what school you select for your child’s driver education, below are some important parental practices and tips for instructing your child as they begin driving.


Use a seatbelt at all time.


Give clear directions and remain calm at all times.


Find a quiet location to practice until he/she feels comfortable.


If your teen seems uncomfortable with the surroundings, have him/her pull over and stop to take a break. Discuss what caused them to be uncomfortable.


Point out traffic signs or driving hazards to encourage your teen to recognize them. Better yet, have your teen point out driving hazards and traffic signs. (You just may learn something.)


Begin nighttime driving sessions once your teen is comfortable with driving during the day. (Ten hours of nighttime driving practice is required.)


Begin nighttime driving sessions once your teen is comfortable with driving during the day. (Ten hours of nighttime driving practice is required.)


First practice with your teen during the day. Visibility is much greater along with being much more safe.


Stop practicing when your teen becomes overwhelmed, frustrated or distracted.


As driving challenges or opportunities arise, explain how you would handle such situation. Give your teen real world examples to help them better understand the topic.


Position yourself with access to the steering wheel or brake pedal (if possible) so you can intervene in the driving, if it becomes necessary.


When driving with your teen, remember to follow the “rules of the road.” Your teen is watching to see how you handle situations that arise.

As parents of a teen, you realize that learning to drive is an important event in your teenager’s life.

This new journey offers many challenges and dangers, so teaching road safety is an important foundation to help your teenager develop safe driving habits.

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